why are my dogs eating grass?

I hope they don’t have worms!! I spent $1 a year ago for whip worms.

When i could have spent $50 for treatment.

I inspected their poop and found no worms.

So… Why do dogs eat grass.

Should i spend another $1 or so at the vet or $50 worm treatment from pet store?


Last year they ate grass When they had worms. I forgot to add that

Update 2:

I didn’t ask 10+ times, i asked one time, right now, you are do rude! Shame on you.


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  • One site says this:

    One thing we do know is that dogs are descended from wild canids (wolves and foxes), which ate the entire “kill” when they hunted for food. Since they consumed many herbivores (plant-eating animals), they wound up eating a lot of plants and even berries found in the stomach and intestines of their prey. Interestingly, carnivores tend to go for the stomach and its contents first, so it’s likely that dogs may eat grass because they like it and it was once part of their normal diet.

    Then, some believe that dogs may eat grass when they don’t feel well.. Others believe that dogs vomit because they eat grass.

    Most veterinarians

    believe that dogs eat grass simply because they like it, and vomiting just naturally follows. When dogs eat grass, the grass acts as an irritant and causes vomiting.


    another site says:

    Dogs commonly eat grass, and there are several explanations that have been offered for this behavior. One, wild canids (e.g., wolves and fox) eat all of an animal when they catch it. Since they eat many herbivores (plant-eating animals), they end up eating a lot of grasses and plants that were in the intestines of these animals. In addition, they have been known to eat certain berries and other plant material. Dogs then, may eat grass because, in reality, it is a normal part of their diet.

    Many times, dogs will vomit after eating grass. Did they eat grass to make them vomit? Or did they vomit because they ate grass? It is a mystery, but it seems that some dogs may eat vegetation when they have an upset stomach.

    The third reason – they just like it. Some dogs have certain species of grass or plant material that they will search out and eat. We know a beagle who can pick raspberries faster than his owner.

    In any case, grass eating is basically a normal behavior, and is not of concern unless your dog does it excessively.


    The best explanation I have run across is in The Dog Behavior Answer Book by Arden Moore (A great book to have, $15., Borders) As we already know dogs are omnivores, they eat both meat and vegetation. I used to have a terrier mix that ate grass so much I called her my “sheepdog”and yet she did not throw up. She was just grazing. According to Moore that is one type of eating grass, while eating they chew it well because they are just eating to be eating. Other times they may have an upset stomach and they may gobble the grass, not really chewing it. Then the prickly stalks irritate their stomach lining and cause them to throw up. Which ever type of eating your dog is doing make sure it is eating grass that has not been treated with chemicals. If you have a grazer it might be a good thing to grow some pet grass at home so you know the grass is chemical free.

  • Generally it is because they have to much acid in their stomachs and it makes them throw up bile to release it. This build up comes from dogs being fed dry food which contains more grains that they are not designed to digest – a dog’s gut is a lot shorter than a herbivores’. Majority of dogs do not get edible bones, ones they can crunch and swallow which utilises the acids.

    Pet Rocks – of course any animal will go for the gut area first because this is the easiest way into an animal. By choice they will go for heart and liver first the lower in the pecking order get the guts.

    Un the UK Foxhounds are fed ‘flesh’ carcasses of sheep, calves horse and cattle that are casualties. These meats are prepared by skinning removing head and lower limbs and some of the organs (bladders etc) these hounds will go for the liver, heart and kidney first, then devour the flesh.

    The guts, if they are not removed are left.

  • Think of it like this human can put there fingers deep in there throught to make them throw up when a dogs stomach feels bad they can’t put there paw in there mouth to make them throw up so they eat grass that way when there sick by eating grass they throw up than they feel better they eat the grass and throw up to feel better simple

  • they’ve probably either eaten too much or maybe the food is too rich. they don’t just eat any grass, my little dog searches around until he finds just the right kind.

    also, they don’t vomit food up, it will only be bile; usually yellow/orange looking.

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  • Sometimes when they are hungry dogs will eat grass, I once read in a article that dogs eat grass when their stomach aces and if they are hungry

  • My dogs eat grass, its usually because they feel sick to their stomachs. The grass tickles their throat and causes them to throw up, usually their lunch and maybe your favorite slippers. But if they do it often just don’t let them, it’s just not good for them in general.

  • 1,743rd. time…..THEY JUST PLAIN *LIKE* IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    No magical “sign” of anything!

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