Please answer…he has really upset me?

my partner was out with his friends today but phoned me and said “start getting ready at 8 and il leave at 8”

so round 8:30-9: i text him asking if he had left yet….with no reply… then he text me at 9:45 saying he just left ……… then when he finally got by mine he text me telling me to meet him down the road

when i met him he was asking why i was in a mood so i said “you take the piss make me wait round for you” so he starts shouting “you’ve been texting me all day” then we got into a big argument and walked off leaving me to walk home alone with no text’s or phone calls to even make sure i got in ok

Was i in the wrong? or was it him?

The reason this is in TTC is b’cuz we have been TTC for over 7 months and i am a day late on my period but am just waitin to test…..he knows this shouldnt this make him worry about me more (makeing sure im ok, i got in safe)


✅ Answers

  • Men and lots of women do not like being text constantly. I dont think it is all your fault after all we are all different, but take it from me most men prefer the occasional well thought out text than feeling like they are being kept tabs on every 5 minutes. Just chill out, it will be ok. It aint the end of the world. you will be on good terms again soon. Just dont take things so seriously and give the bloke some space. Oh and stop worrying then maybe you will start your period. Good luck and stop worrying and texting, it will all come good in the end.


  • perhaps he just isnt the right one for you sorry to say. someone that does that during the night when anything could happen especially when you could be carrying his child, is no man in my eyes. talk to him about how you feel and maybe consider putting off ttc until this is sorted because it wouldnt be fair on you or a baby if this carried on and got worse because then you are stuck with him as a part of your life if it doesnt work out. the choice is yours but think of your future and your potential childs future before continuing this relationship as it is.

  • Oh my goodness Hun,but I hate to say it but are you sure this is the man you want a baby to?He sounds like a right ****!!!Your very emotional he should be there for you not playing you on a string,I think you did right for being mad at him,he needs to treat you with respect and care about you even before person number three becomes involved!


    Source(s): Past experience with an ex

  • well u could of told him in a calmer way that u have been waiting for him for awhile and he should be more dependable but other than that he was wrong i would be pissed if my man knew that i could be pregnant and then made me walk home. Don’t let him off the hook easy make him really work to make u not mad

  • You’ve got a man who’s already looking for a way out of your relationship, and you’re trying to conceive a child. I find that sad in the worst way.

    A man who is “into” his relationship with a woman would generally not hang out with his buddies for 2 hours after he promised to meet you.

    That being said– he may, in fact, have a point about your too-frequent attempts to keep him in contact/ under surveillance. I don’t think either one of you is ready for babies yet.

  • In my opinion he was wrong because he came late and then started to argue, But thats how men are. Give Him time and dont text him, Surely he will come to his senses!

  • Just give each other some space girl. It will be fine. It was just a stupid argument for absolutely nothing. Don’t look for him or text him. Just give him the cold shoulder until he starts missing you and apologizes for his ignorant behavior.

    Source(s): My boyfriend did this same thing to me once. After i grounded him, he was a completely different person. He realized that he was jackass to me for no reason and that if he didnt want to treat me right i would find someone that would. He thought he had too much to loose so he never did it again.

  • are your sure your in a relationship with the right person???

    dont worry honey,you weren’t in the wrong x he was,as guys mostly always are…lol bit thick in the head some of them…

    mayeb you should speak to him about it? and he should def have made sure you were ok…by texting, calling w.e..even have made an effort to apolagize with a nice dinner or w.e?

    See also  How long did it take you to get pg after a D&C?

    hope everything goes wellx


  • soo,,he didnt even appologise for being late? sounds like a selfish idiot to me!

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